Interested in upping your top half (hair, beard, scalp)? Below are a variety of products with different strength’s that should hopefully suit whatever your various Rogue needs may be.
Top hair products (Pomade/Wax/Gel)
My top products:
Gatsy Stylish pomade supreme hold (click to check current price on Amazon) – This bad boy weathered the high heats of Asia during my time using it. Insanely thick hold, good for thick coarse hair. Even better more stronger hold if you use it in dryer/colder climates.
Why I picked Gatsy Stylish pomade supreme hold: For a guy with thick coarse hair I’m always struggling to find products that will actually hold my style for most if not the entire day, especially since I used to have long slick back hair and lived in tropical Asia, supreme hold is vital. The thing i liked about my recommend Gatsby product was it’s insane hold that came with it, without a single trace of white residue that forms within your hair that comes as a byproduct when using some other wax brands (even among some other Gatsby products).
Also, the smell is innocuous, I’d always get complimented on my “cologne”, when in reality it was my wax product’s scent all along. Also this is a water-based pomade with an insane hold (which makes it as tough as oil-based pomade without it being AS TOUGH to wash out of your hair.)
Best suited for gentlemen with pompadour hairstyles, slick back, fade and side parted hairstyles.
Hair Wax
On the other hand if you’re strapped for cash then your boi’s got you covered…in bulk.
GATSBY Grunge Mat Moving Rubber Hair Styling Wax (click to check current price on Amazon) – This is Asia’s number 1 product for good reason, it’s cheap and highly effective.
Why I pick GATSBY Grunge Mat Moving Rubber Hair Styling Wax: The application and stylish is honestly phenomenal for its price, despite saying “soft hold”, it held my thick Indian mane almost superbly. Before I discovered Gatsby’s Stylish Pomade Surpeme Hold this was my go-to product. For you thicker haired chaps this may not last you the entire day, however, it’s firm yet malleable (good if you feel like altering your style midday), and for the price, you almost can’t beat it (watch out for import taxes depending on where you live, however.)
They also have a few other Gatsby products out there within this similar line up as the Gatsby Grunge Mat Moving Rubber edition. Below is a chart of the other products within this line up of lower-priced Gatsby products, all which work quite well for the cheap price in my opinion. I have tried almost all of them.

Hair Pomade
Suavecito Pomade Original Hold (click to see the current price on Amazon) – A guilty pleasure of mine, cheap price, buy in bulk, and of surprisingly good quality.
Why I pick Suavetico Pomade Original Hold: Product scent aside, it’s a solid pick if you’re on a budget but still wanna look with a firm hold product (an admirable mindset to have in my opinion). Mixing things up with a medium hold this time without a crunchy finish, to restyle midday simply add a thimbleful of water back onto your hair to “wake up the hair product”, allowing it to be a malleable for you once again.
Hair Gel
(Gel is best for those who want the strongest hold in it’s entirety, with no regards for anything else.)
Got2b Glued Ultra Styling Hair Gel (click to see the current price on Amazon) – This one will hold on your head forever, with no flake build up, at least when I used it.
Why I picked Got2b Glued Ultra Styling Hair Gel: I really do mean when i say this has one of the strongest holds out there, and for the quality I really admire the reasonable price point compared to some other more more luxurious (yet insanely pricey) products out there. Be warned though, this is a “set it and forget” type of product, when I was younger that was my M.O. However now, I prefer a product that holds extremely well, but that doesn’t also make my hair look like cement. Something to remember when purchasing this.
Hair glue
Mitch Hardwired Spiking Hair Glue (click to see the current price on Amazon) – This is my all time favorite non pomade product. The hold and consistency on this is like actual super glue…
Why I picked Mitch Hardwired Spiking Hair Glue: I’m not even exaggerating when I say the strength of it’s hold is off the charts…it actually is. I would argue that for the size of the standard packaging it may not last you that long if you use a lot (or have a lot of hair), but it’s hold is nuts. Just make sure you’re content when you set your hair, otherwise the only way you’ll be able to restyle it is by washing it out and starting over from scratch, not exactly practical.
Sea Salt spray
What salt spray is for: Volume, texture, definition
What can sea salt actually do for your hair? This stuff is amazing (made from sea salt, which will absorb the grease from your hair and texturize it a sh*t ton in the process), adding an insane amount of definition to any hair-doo, resulting in you needing to apply a lot less product overall.
A great pre-styler, simply add a few sprays to your hair, then add a tiny bit of product and watch how voluminous and luxurious your hair will turn. You could also add a few sprays, then blow dry a little first, and then add your product.
Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Soft Waves Sea Salt Spray, Tropical Banana Scent (click to see the current price on Amazon) – Great product for a cheap price, and smells of banana, not much more else to say…
Why I picked Not Your Mother’s Beach Babe Soft Waves Sea Salt Spray: You don’t need a fancy sea salt spray, people, despite what most will tell you, you can of course, but this will get the job done at a great price. This is the one I used during my time in LA, cheap, effective and works wonders. Also, I realize it says “Not Your Mother’s”…bois you still can use it, works the same…come on now, gentlemen 😉
Below is a link to the same sea salt brand, but located on Similar price, depending on where your situated.
Features to look out for in hair products
It can vary depending on your preferances but there a few good rules of thumb to go by:
- Water based pomades while technically not as “superior” in terms of hold compared to petroleum based pomades, are almost just as good, and are much more easier on your scalp overall. Easier to watch out as well, I’d always recommenced water based over oil based.
- Generally with most wax products, the higher the hold, the higher the shine most likely, so if you prefer a matte look always look to the label first, rather than blindly purchasing just because it’s labeled as a ‘high hold”.
- When comparing wax vs gel, wax offers more fine control, whereas gel clumps everything together.
- Wax (while thicker than gel) doesn’t feel grimy or sticky to the touch.
- It doesn’t last as long as pomade, but you can re-apply more easily.
- Pomade doesn’t dry out and get super stiff like gel (though it is just as strong if not stronger than gel products.)
Hair Oils
Purpose of hair oils: Everyone’s scalp is different, with some being more oil and others drier (with some even having dandruff as a result.) Also, hair becomes dead the moment it pokes through our scalp, leaving it vulnerable to falling victim to being brittle and dry the longer it gets.
We need oil to have healthy hair, the sebecauous glands in our scalp help oil our hair enough, but not entirelty. Products like hair oil help replicate and supplment the natural oils that our bodies already make, and plus you can control yourself to the extent of how much application you can use (and it smells nice, so win win.) Over time lubricating the outer cuticle and strengthening the inner core by providing moisture to help keep the bonds of your hair strong.
To be clear however, you don’t need hair oils, however you can view it as a sort of insurance policy to guarentee that your head of hair almost always will stay strong, vibrant and healthy. Almost like taking a multi-vitamin, not mandatory, but defo helps the overall “process.”
Below are my top picks…
Cliganic USDA Organic Jojoba Oil (click to see current price on Amazon) – This is without a doubt my top favorite pick…
Why I picked Cliganic USDA Organic Jojoba Oil: Aside from obvious biases, I’ve been using this for a while now, and even used it as beard moisterizer from time to time (you can check out a post I wrote on the benefits of oiling your hair with such items like Jojoba oil right here.)
I actually got infatuated with this product ever since I saw Inspector Clause use it in The Pink Panther 2, strangely enough. Promoting proper circulation and locking in all that hydration emitting from your hair, entrapping all the juices right on your scalp, till the end of time probably. Also completely organic with no added fragrances and (like I said) can be used on your scalp and face (as it also one of the primary oils found in high quality beard oils.)
While I would like to recoomend some other products’s links through here, I noticed that on Amazon and a few sites that some product reviews (while being positive) did have a few negative ones in there regarding product malfunctions (amongst a few other “problems”), so I’m more comfortable listing revered products below of which you can try finding yourself however you go about it, as I cannot in good conscience recommend something that my “gut” doesn’t agree with, apologies.
Some other great products out there for you to try and find:
- Argan Oil (100% pure and/or “cold-pressed”)
Beard Oils
I never was one for beard oils…until I realized that having my beard feel like a bunched up fur of coarse pubes did NOT have to be the standard for life.
Just like hair oils, you don’t need beard oils, but it’s not until i tried them that I realized how crazy it would be not to use them. Ever since I felt it’s effects on my beard (or my iteration of a Van Dyke Beard at least.)
Beard oils moisturize and soften (most important feature, in my view) the hair follicles on your face, alleviating skin stress from beneath and allowing you to more easily style your beard if you should so choose (even if you style your beard only a little bit, then in my opinion beard oil is a necessity.
Honest Amish Premium Beard Oil (click here to see the current price on Amazon) – With a stellar reputation and coming from one of the most trusting beard brands in the world.
Why I chose Amish Premium Beard Oil: I think when it comes to dermatological products, it’s important to know the company’s track record and experience for assurance that you know what you’re putting on you face is in fact…safe. Amish Product has been around for a long while and has a rich history in the beard care market, specializing in just a few things, only. Organic skin and beard care products.
I like Amish Premium Beard Oil as it has some really unique ingredients that I’ve never really seen in any other beard products out there (especially at this price.) Black Cumin Oil/ Avacado oil/Argan oil/Rosehip oil/Moringa oil (this oil is amazing, you should check it out)/Sea Buck Thorn oil/Pumpkin seed oil. I mean the list of ingredients is impressive and all-natural.
This one provides some weight for your beard, it’s a little bit on the thicker side, allowing you to control your fluff, taming it without making it seem puffy (the control on this product is among the strongest of Honest Amish products.) The bonus feature is this one deal extremely well in humidity (A.K.A. the arch-nemesis of beards), so for my bois in more humid areas…this could be your next best thing.
Another recommended beard oil product I like is…
Honest Amish – Classic Beard Oil (click to see the current price on Amazon)
This one is a little bit cheaper, however, the drawback for some with this product may be the “black liquorice” smell that emits from this product (of which the company actually adds in there.)
Now, personally I wanna look like a snack, but I don’t wanna smell like a snack. But if you do, then this option will be one of your best bets, same company, same nourishing benefits as the premium beard oil product up above, just with a finishing liquorice scent and slightly less hold.
Final beard Oil recommended product…
Billy Jealousy Devil’s Delight Beard Oil (click to see current price on Amazon) – If you want the best smell, to be the most noticeable in the best way possible, then this is it…
Why I picked Bill Jealousy Devil’s Delight Beard Oil: For some reason, all beard oil’s think “manly” scent equates to smelling like a tree, or a bushel. This is the most premium of beard oil’s on the list, and for good reason, the smell is an ineffable potent combination of pristine wit and class. Dare I be uncouth and brash and say this beard oil is a certified “panty dropper”, due to its overpowering scent. You’ll definitely wanna only use this one on special occasions, and/ or cooler nights or winter weather.
If attraction came in a bottle, Bill Jealousy Devil’s Delight Beard Oil would be it.
How to make beard oil at home-DIY
If you’re strapped for cash or prefer trying it out for yourself (by yourself) then there’s no reason that you shouldn’t be able too! Below is a Youtube video link showing you how to make your own DIY beard oil.
Another wicked DIY beard oil combo (courtesy of Youtube comment by Brian-Marc Whittaker) is: Jamaican Black Castor Oil (Mango & Lime), Australian Sandalwood, Jojoba Oil, Apricot Oil. No essential oils needed as these are already scented.
I actually tried this one time (was bored at home), and my god, this man is on to something….
Style Tip: When I tried this, the apricot didn’t blend with the jojoba oil, so to overcome this, try heating the oil whilst putting the bottle container itself in some boiling water first, before you try pouring the apricot oil into the bottle.
Shaver’s (electric and non-electric)
I’ve always preferred an electric shaver, bois. They’re safer, irritates the skin way less (if at all), and comes in a variety of tech-filled models to suit whatever type of beard you may or may not want to style.
To be honest however that almighty one and only elusive best shaver don’t exist. The best you can hope for is to find an electric razor that checks most of the boxes for your particular needs and comes with the fewest shortcomings.
I can’t give you much more info on this, otherwise, this page would be a lot longer, but below is a list of shavers that I have either tried in the past or know of and can recommend with confidence, provided you’re at a stage where you simply just want to buy a product, and not be surrounded by choice paralysis if that’s the case then keep on reading.
Let’s first start with my current shaver:
Philips Norelco OneBlade Hybrid Electric Trimmer and Shaver (click to see current price on Amazon) – This has been my favorite for the last few years due to it’s efficiency and easy of use, without a killer price.
“In the facial hair war of attrition, a new contender emerges.”
Why I picked the Phillips Norelco OneBlade Hybrid Electric Trimmer and Shaver: While I do love an old school razor, simply put at the rate and amount at which I shave my face, I need something that won’t batter my skin in over the long haul. I have a certain style of beard which means despite having one, I shave almost every other day to maintain the order and “crisp” look of my beard style.
This is where my affection for Phillips Norelco comes in, it allows me to shave with a smooth remaining surface without any worries of skin getting irritation post-shave, even if I’m in a rush.
It may not be the best or the fanciest, but it’s simple, affordable and gets the job done on the daily and even under pressure. This is what works for me.
MANGROOMER – Lithium Max Plus+ Body Groomer (Click to check current price on Amazon) – This is the ultimate “no nonesense” gadget.
Why I picked the MANGROOMER – Lithium Max Plus+ Body Groomer: This will do all the jobs, in all the tight “nooks and crannies” in and around your form that you’d too scared to get to otherwise…plus let you get a quick shave in on top of it.
A double edged sword (literally) as one side functions as a body groomer/ball groomer (with a double sided/foil blade design), which can adjust it’s length to tackle long and short body hairs (this side will also be handling your beard.)
The seocnd side will be tasked with handling the most “vital” areas of you, being the designated body trimmer for those uber close “blade to skin” meet-ups, getting close as 1/16th of an inch to your skin for those baby smooth shaves, if you so should choose that route.
2 shavers in 1 for the everyman who’d rather streamline their life without the need for multiple complex devices and gadgets, all for a great price.
Hair oil
Coming soon…
Shaving Cream
Coming soon…