“Being fuckable gets you attention, but getting attention does not make you fuckable.”
-Dom Mazetti (satirical YouTuber )
I was on the train the other day cruising through Bangkok when something invaded my peripheral, without my consent. Squared adjacent to the train door’s as they opened, in came the brightest looking yellow clothed gentlemen I ever saw.
To summarize, the blinding yellow’s of his yellow polo shirt, along with his “overbearing” stature made him seem more visually akin to that of a large pot of honey- without any “Winne” or “Poohbear” to be found.
But that got me thinking, what would one wear with a yellow t-shirt/shirt? As it definitely is a style hurdle for some, and there’s probably an apt reason behind that…so I did some digging.
When wearing a yellow t-shirt/shirt, it is best to ensure the rest of your clothing is of a darker and/ or plain neutral style. Light grey, dark blue or white to go with yellow is best.
Other options include pairing your yellow t-shirt/ shirt with the colour maroon or green- only however if you’re feeling cheeky enough (as it requires a little more finessing.) If you want to layer your clothing then consider pairing your yellows with blues for a solid outfit choice. Perhaps a sea blue blazer for a chic business casual look.
The variations are plentiful, just subtle. Stick to the guidelines below for good measure.
Easiest colours that go with a yellow t-shirt/ shirt:

- Black
- Grey
- Light Blue
- Beige
- Khaki
- Navy Blue
Or if you have time, check out this colour table scheme from Classic Style, they explain it wonderfully with various seasonal options.
Tip: It’s not so much WHAT you wear as to HOW you wear it. Focus on opposites, for safe measure. Pair yellow with darker/ more neutral bottoms.
Who can pull wearing a yellow t-shirt/ shirt?

Good news is that anyone can…it’s a spectrum.
For darker skin chaps to keep it brief: You have it the easiest, as with your skin being an already apparent contrast with yellow, anything is fair game.
From “madallion” to “corn” yellows, shades of “blonde” to “butterscotch” shade, you’ll look stunning in any shade of yellow, either way.
For you fairer skin lads the colour isn’t out of your range, but exercise some caution as not every shade is for you. Contrasting colours is the trick. Darker yellow tones in the form of “tuscan sun” or “mustard”. (Anything belonging to the darker yellow subspectrum, which is also known as “ochre“-which simply means yellow’s of a more earthy tone.)
Whatever you do, allow the colour to help lift your complexion, not wash it out.
Tip: If in doubt, try looking for “bronze yellow”, that’s a close enough apt description of what most fairer skin people can pull off with relative ease.
Olive skin bois, I got you. Whilst we best our fairer brethren in terms of choice options with our swarthy swagger, but yet not AS MUCH as our darker skin counterparts, our guide to fine dressing resides as it sounds…in the middle.
Sway little on either side and you should be fine, earthier yellow’s to slightly more brilliant yellows is definitely an option– though if you want to get technical, for Olive skin, bright & vibrant is our domain.
Easy ways to pull off yellow t-shirt/ shirt -EVERY TIME

General rule of thumb (ESPECIALLY if you have lighter skin) is contrast. Say it with me:
Contrast, contrast, contrast!
It’s a solid rule. Use it! Lighter skin, darker shades, darker skin, lighter shades. Not always, however it is a good general rule to follow when you’re feeling lost.
If in doubt pair yellow with black or white. Can’t go wrong.
Pants to pair with your yellow t-shirt/ shirt

Make your shopping hassle-free gentlemen. There’s nothing worse than trying clothes on at the store when you have not one ounce of interest to do so. Choose a staple set of colours to work with most wardrobe combinations, and save yourself some time and effort.
Pant colour combos
- Black (Pair black with any yellow. Black is always the most classic option, the harsh contrast will illuminate the yellow even more so, yet not in a negative way. If ever in doubt, go black.)
- Grey (Pair grey pants with lighter yellows. Whiteish grey or “Platinum grey”+ warm yellows, Dark Grey+ any shade of yellow. Though contrast is the basis of rules, grey is an exception. Though if your still unsure then stick to the contrast rule. )
- Light Blue (Pair light blue pants with vivid yellows. A yellow T-shirt or polo shirt perhaps. Add white shoes for the non-try-hard facile look. A classic.)
- Beige (Pair beige pants with ANY yellow, however preferably of a lighter shade. Beige chinos or trousers would do well.)
- Khaki (Pair khaki’s with lighter yellows. Mustard shade, or even add some brown shades in there, brown shoes, leather bracelets etc. it’s the little things you know?)
- Navy Blue (Pair navy blue pants with any yellow. Chinos or trousers are an option to combine.)
Shoes to pair with a yellow t-shirt/ shirt

It’s common to pair your shoes with your belt, however, it would pay to take into account your entire outfit when considering your footwear, ESPECIALLY with statement colours like yellow. Safe stylish pairings are listed as below.
Shoes colours to pair with your yellow shirt/t-shirt:
- Black shoes (As I said, if ever in doubt, go black. Pair black footwear with plain pants or chinos of grey, charcoal or even beige)
- White shoes (Goes well with blue or grey pants. Grey chinos, blue trousers, dark wash denim etc. Pair a yellow shirt with white shoes for that crisp upper echelon look.)
- Grey shoes (Cousins of the colour “black” I say, so makes sense to say it would be safe to pair black trousers with grey shoes.)
- Brown shoes (Not my most favourite shade for shoes I’ll admit, but there are some decent bangers out there. Pair brown shoes with beige, navy blue or grey.)
Tip: Avoid colourful pants when already wearing a yellow shirt/ t-shirt. There needs to be some semblance of a balance, lest you want to look like an actual clown with so many colours going on.
Why is the colour yellow hard to pull off?

The symbolic meaning of “yellow” itself springs “notice”, on both polar ends of it’s revered meaning.
- Optimism
- Freshness
- Happiness
- Cowardice
- Deceit
Yellow is perceived as being hard to pull off as it is a colour of contrasting associations. Little is to make sense in all of this except how we as a society imbue meanings in colours, and the associations we relate them to, consciously, or not.
The colour yellow seeks to stand out-whether you want it to, or not
Yellow is very noticeable colour, too much and it can have a “disturbing effect”. Too little and its efforts may be sullied. A balance is required.
Done right however and wearing yellow will be one that’ll make your style choice stand out almost belligerently among the masses of “monochromatic” men (who choose to play it safe by wearing various shades of ONE colour, ALL the time.)
Done right and your efforts will most likely be noticed. Yellow is a colour that get’s people talking– much like the small visible indentation on a Windsor tie, subtlely letting the world know that you know a thing or two…about a few things.
Why should you dare to wear yellow?

Colours have more of an impact on us than we realize, however it’s effects vary. The meanings we associate behind some is culturally learnt, while others are evermore present by genetic default. Biologically conditioned in us to elicit a particular emotional response, in accordance to that of the particular colour we see.
What you wear not only affects you, but everybody around you.
The colour yellow is an attention seeker. It is a colour that sways many who seek to be noticed, by embracing its ever-present presence of state. I’ve always associated the donning of yellow to that of the word “verbosity”:
“Saying a lot without saying very much at all.”
With yellow this can be applied in the literal sense.
Cultural or biological, colours affect us all. If done with even a modicum of foresight, the colour yellow can be one of many methods to effusively show off your style, and yourself, with confidence…
And who doesn’t want a little more of that?…
Stay Rogue.