An introduction into Rogue Chivalry

Lifestyle blog for men

Roarin 20’s…literally. In a time of Aussie bushfires, economic uncertainty, and now …a goddamn pandemic. Unprecedented since that of the last scaremongering flu a hundred years prior–  

 AND a perfect time to begin our daring quest into the uncertain abyss of modern-day chivalry (cuz why not). Escapades to ensue…

An exploration liturgical in nature: in becoming the ultimate refined “unrefined” lad. To shed old notions of bygone gentleman values and stereotypes. To say one must exude “loud” ideals and immoderate mannerisms as such in order to be defined as an unlettered run of the mill “classy guy”…

I dare to challenge this very notion. To elaborate and expand on a new set of morals and conducts, fit for the modern age. To imbue and revel in a new type of multifacet rogue scholar. 

This blog beares in the grey area between the old gentlemen archetype and the modern-day “bad boy.” Teetering on a tightrope line situated between the two, a balancing act. As I foolishly believe there to be useful traits one could adopt and adapt, from both.

Merging soigne old school ways of elegance with instilled nonconformist suave attributes, practical for the subtle polycentric 21st Century. Combining class with chaos. To walk the line: The Rogue Standard.

Stay tuned for more waggish posts.

Dom Jeswal

Im a mixed third culture kid (with even more mixed tastes in fashion, food, manners & ideals) living in Asia. Currently exploring what it means to be a man a "spiced" value in the modern age - and all the interests and skills that come with the territory. Like your average men's lifestyle blog - only with more spice & more focus on info not exclusive to the West.

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